Table of Contents

Contact Us

Head of department: Prof. Yair Furstenberg

B.A advisor: Dr. Yakir Paz

M.A advisor: Dr. Yoav Rosental

Department Secretary: Ms. Anat Haim Jani
Phone: +972-2-5883605
Humanities Building, Room 4603

Graduate Studies


The studies in the department of Talmud cover three fields:

  • Tannaitic Literature (Mishnah, Tosefta and Midrash Halakha)
  • Amoraic Literature (Babylonian Talmud, Talmud Yerusalmi, Midrash Aggadah)
  • Medieval Rabbinic Literature (Geonim and Rishonim)

Students must take courses in all three fields, and choose one field as their focus area.

For the Master’s degree each student may choose either the research track (that includes writing a thesis and achieving academic foreign language proficiency) or the non-research track.


Candidates that have a BA in fields other than Talmud, or a B.ED., with a final score of 80 or higher in their undergraduate studies, will be required to complete a program of preparation studies before being accepted to the Master’s program at the Department of Talmud.